Combo Camps

COVID-19 policy

In-line with BC Health regulations Combo Camps has implemented the following policies:

Access to Camp:

  • Workers, children, parents, and caregivers must not enter the Camp if they have symptoms of COVID-19, have been outside of Canada in the past 14 days, or have been asked to quarantine by public health. This includes those who are awaiting results of a COVID-19 test. 

  • If a parent or caregiver tests positive for COVID-19, their child cannot attend camp until allowed by public health. If a parent or caregiver is sick, but does not have COVID-19, their child can be sent to day camp if the child does not have symptoms. A different parent or caregiver who is not sick should bring your child to camp instead.

  • Masks are required in all indoor public spaces for people age 5 and up (born in 2017 or earlier). Masks are optional for children aged 2-4 and children under 2 should not wear masks. Masks must be worn unless sat at a table or participating in on-court activities.

  • Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 is not required for children to attend camp, however proof of COVID-19 vaccination and a photo ID must be shown by all adults entering the Whistler Racket Club. 

  • This policy has been communicated to workers, parents, and caregivers verbally and via signage at entrances to the Camp reminding people not to enter the site if they have symptoms associated with COVID-19. 

  • At drop off, we have implemented a daily “yes/no” verbal confirmation that children do not have symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory disease. We will not accept a child at drop off if the answer is yes.

  • Workers with symptoms of COVID-19 must be excluded from work, stay home, and self-isolate until they have been assessed by a health care provider to exclude COVID-19 or other infectious disease, and their symptoms have resolved.

International Travel:

For further information on requirements for entry into Canada, please see:

Pick-up and Drop off:

  • Parents are asked to wear masks and to practice physical distancing from workers and other children, and to practice hand hygiene. Where this is not possible, for example when transferring a young child between a parent and a worker, plan and communicate the work task in advance to ensure that time spent in close proximity is minimized.

  • Avoid close greetings such as handshakes.

Hand Hygiene:

  • Workers are asked to wash their hands/sanitize whenever entering Camp. Hand sanitizer stations are located at both entrances to the Camp. Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer stations where a sink is not available.

  • Hand sanitizer should be supervised and kept out of reach from the children.

  • Workers should wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:

    • When they arrive at the workplace and before they go home

    • Before and after handling food/lunch boxes

    • Before and after giving/applying medication or ointment to a child or self

    • After assisting a child to use the toilet

    • After using the toilet

    • After contact with body fluids (e.g., runny noses, spit, vomit, blood)

    • After cleaning tasks

    • After handling garbage

    • Whenever hands are visibly dirty

  • Workers should support children to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:

    • When they arrive at the workplace and before they go home

    • Before and after eating and drinking

    • After using the toilet

    • After playing outside

    • After sneezing or coughing

    • Whenever hands are visibly dirty

Where required education and direction to workers and children to:

  • Cough or sneeze into their elbow sleeve or a tissue.

  • Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene.

  • Not touch their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

Physical Distancing:

  • Workers should maintain a distance of at least 2 metres from each other. Where this is not possible, for example when transferring a very young child from one worker to another, plan and communicate the work task in advance to ensure that time spent in close proximity is minimized and that masks be worn to reduce the spread of COVID-19

  • It is not always possible for workers to maintain physical distance from children, and between children, when in care. Adhere to the principle of physical distancing where possible, by:

    • Minimizing the frequency of direct physical contact with children.

    • Forming a number of separate play areas in order to space children apart. Note that children who live in the same home do not need to maintain physical distance from each other.

    • Creating smaller groups or cohorts of children and keeping these groups separate from each other.

    • Minimizing the number of different workers that interact with the same child or group of children.

    • Organizing and staggering snack/meal areas to space children apart.


  • We ask parents and caregivers to only bring personal comfort items (e.g., stuffed animals) if they are clean and laundered at the end of each day.

  • All unnecessary personal belongings are to be kept outside the Camp in order to reduce surfaces that could become contaminated.

  • Identify all common areas (e.g., washrooms) and frequently-touched surfaces (e.g., door knobs, cupboard handles, light switches, faucet handles, tables, chairs, toys). 

    • General cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace should occur at the end of each day.

    • Frequently-touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected before lunch and at the end of the day.

  • Toys and objects that children have placed in their mouths should be set aside, for example in a “to be washed” bin, until they are cleaned and disinfected. Toy, objects, and surfaces known to have been in contact with bodily fluids should be cleaned as soon as possible and between uses by different children.

  • Empty garbage, daily at a minimum. 

  • If a worker or child leaves the workplace due to symptoms of COVID-19, clean areas those individuals were in, including surfaces they may have touched, immediately upon their departure.

Meals and Snacks:

  • Do not allow sharing of food or drink by workers or children.

  • Meals should be deposited into a child's lunch basket and brought inside by the child to reduce the amount of times a worker needs to handle the food. There is a designated cubby that is sanitized daily for storing lunches. Children should bring their basket to the table when ready for lunch/snack time.

  • Workers are to remain 6ft away from children and each other when eating.

Other Methods to Control Risk:

  • Limit sharing of supplies and equipment (e.g., pens, telephone, tablets, computer mouse) between workers.

  • Provide adequate amounts of high touch materials, such as art supplies, in order to minimize sharing between children.

  • Store children’s belongings separately through the use of cubbies.

  • Do not allow sharing of soothers, bottles, sippy cups, toothbrushes or other personal items. Label personal items with the child’s name to prevent accidental sharing. 

  • Have children outside wherever possible, including play time, snack time, and for learning activities.

Further Information:

For further information on the official guidelines behind this policy, please see the following: